Summer Camp Season
Summer Camp Packing Tips
April 25, 2014
Spring is finally here and that means that it's almost time for camp season! While it's a fun and exciting time for both parents and children, there's lots of stress that can go into planning and summer camp packing. Our camp labels can alleviate some of that stress!
There's a lot to remember when it comes time to pack, so before you begin you may want to check with your child's camp for their packing list, and read here about camping packing tips.
These lists are usually provided by the camp and it makes it so much easier to ensure that you have it all. Check on...
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The Benefits of Summer Camp
April 25, 2014
Summer camp is an awesome experience for kids of all ages. Memories and friendships are made that will last a lifetime.
If you didn't go to camp as a kid, you might not realize all the benefits of summer camp that can be provided to your child.
Here's our list of the top 8 awesome summer camp benefits that kids get from going to camp...
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