Summer Camp Season
The Benefits of Summer Camp
The Benefits of Summer Camp
April 25, 2014
By April Hammond
Summer camp is an awesome experience for kids of all ages. Memories and friendships are made that will last a lifetime.
If you didn't go to camp as a kid, you might not realize all the benefits of summer camp that can be provided to your child.
Here's our list of the top 8 awesome summer camp benefits that kids get from going to camp.
1. More Independent - When your child's at camp - it's up them to make their own decisions. Whether its what outfit they pick out for the day, what to eat at meals or what to do with their spare time, it's all up to them. Making those desicions will give your child a feeling of freedom that they might not have had before.
2. More Confident - The success your child will achieve at camp will help build self-confidence and self-esteem. They'll find that they experience success every day at summer camp. Whether its making new friends, helping out a counselor or learning a new skill - summer camp is an awesome place to become a more confident person.
3. Get Away From Technology - Being at camp totally gives kids a break from TV, video games, texting and the internet. The benefit here is pretty obvious. Without all the tech - kids have to be more social - face to face, with real people.
4. Being Physically Active - This is a biggie. Summer camp gets kids moving. Walking from building to building, swimming, hiking,'s all at camp - every day.
5. Free Time to Play - Camps give kids the free time to just play! Time to be silly, laugh, read, skip or socialize without the structure and schedules that they have all throughout the school year.
6. Social Skills - They get tons of face-to-face interactions with their peers and the camp staff. They work in teams and communicate to get things done, live in a cabin with others and learn to get along and work through disagreements. Everything is about improving social skills at camp.
7. Make Real Friends - Your child will meet so many different kids at camp and will share experiences that are so much different than what they experience in school. These experiences have a way of encouraging kids to develop true friendships that just might last a lifetime.
8. Be More Accountable - Being responsible for keeping track of your own belongings is a huge part of camp and increases a child's awareness of accountability. If their flip flops or flashlight go missing, there's no parent to run to for a new one. Our Camp Labels will ensure your child doesn't misplace their belongings.