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Blog » Everyday Tips
Everyday Tips
Keeping a Playroom from Being a Chaotic Mess
March 22, 2016

A designated playroom is a great way to give your kids plenty of room to play. But, playroom storage that looks good and still allows easy access to toys can definitely be hard to find. The best playroom storage ideas offer simple ways to organize toys so your children can easily find what they are looking for without pulling out a million other toys. An ideal creative playroom also makes it easy for your child to return toys to their proper place so the playroom doesn't have to hide behind closed doors!

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6 Tips to Make Back to School Less Hectic
September 12, 2014
School Labels  

I don't know about you, but I sure remember the dread of going back to school after a summer of fun in the sun. This can be a very stressful time for both children and parents. By now, the clothes have been bought, the supplies have been acquired and the school year grind has begun! Here at IdentaMe Labels, we put together a few tips to help both you and your child during the new school...

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Back To School Tips for Parents: Organization Ideas & More!
August 05, 2014
School Labels  

We know, not everyone loves hearing those special three words: Back to School. The hardest part of getting the kids ready for back to school is making sure that they have all of their supplies, new clothes that they get back into the mindset and schedule needed for school.


To make things easier on you, we've compiled a list of Back to School Tips For Parents that will help you and your child get organized and ready for the upcoming school year.

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Classroom Organization & Back to School Ideas for Teachers
August 05, 2014
Back to School Labels

Going back to school isn't just for parents and kids-the teachers have a lot to do when it comes to organizing your classroom and being prepared for the new school year. At identaMe Labels, we know just how stressful it can be to make sure you have everything that you need for your students and yourself to be successful, so we've put together his list of organizing your classroom and back to school ideas for teachers! These Shoe Labels are also great for classroom organizing.

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Keeping Cool in Extreme Heat
July 30, 2014
Keeping Cool  

Here we come August! School is around the corner but the heat of the summer isn't over yet. August is the second hottest month in the United States. The sun is still out in full force and so are all the kids! This is prime time for heat related illnesses due to extreme temperatures.


Sunburn, dehydration, heat rash, heat exhaustion and heat stroke are all serious conditions that can be avoided, and everyone here at IdentaMe Labels want to make sure you enjoy the remainder of this awesome summer weather while staying safe! Check out our tips that will help you and your famiily...

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Sunburn Solutions
July 01, 2014
Sunburn Solutions  

Summer is here and for most of us, that means long hot days and plenty of time spent outside in the sun. Unfortunately, we're all susceptible to painful and potentially life threatening sunburns. In this blog we'll give you a few tips for preventing, or if it is too late, treating mild sunburns.


First things first, let's go over a few basic facts about the sun and its potential to burn our skin. The peak "sunburn" hours are from 10:00AM to 4:00PM. UV rays are worse at higher elevations. UV rays can reflect off sand, water, snow, and other reflective surfaces, so big hats or umbrellas aren't always enough. Also, don't forget that you can get burned even when its cloudy, foggy or...

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