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Blog » Everyday Tips » 6 Tips to Make Back to School Less Hectic
6 Tips to Make Back to School Less Hectic
September 12, 2014
School Labels  

I don't know about you, but I sure remember the dread of going back to school after a summer of fun in the sun. This can be a very stressful time for both children and parents. By now, the clothes have been bought, the supplies have been acquired and the school year grind has begun! Here at IdentaMe Labels, we put together a few tips to help both you and your child during the new school year.


1. Make sure you've reviewed all material that was sent home with your child at the beginning of the year. Maybe there's something specific you forgot to get that your child needs in October. We all know that your offspring will forget to tell you until the night before he or she needs it!


2. Here's our one and only self-serving plug – make sure all your kid's things are labeled. Our School Labels make it a breeze to keep your kid's things organized and to keep them coming home! You can find them by clicking here!


3. Mark your calendar with important dates such as back to school nights, sports sign ups, parent teacher meetings, etc. This way, if you have more than one child, you can find any scheduling conflicts early and make arrangements.

4. Prepare and freeze a few leftovers from dinners every week to make your life a little bit easier. Home late from work during the week – no problem – thaw, heat and voila!


5. Put lunches together the night before. This is a no-brainer but not very easy to get into the habit to do. You can even make it into a nightly family-task. Or if you have older kids – give them the responsibility of making their own lunch and the lunch of their younger siblings. This will totally lower your stress level every morning and stop you from having to be dolling out cash for school made lunches.

6. Make sure your younger children have an index card with your info, address, phone numbers, emergency contacts, teacher's name, and bus number/route on it. Attach the card to the inside of your kid's backpack.

We hope that these tips help you and your kids during the hectic school year.


We're all about eliminating as much stress as possible from our daily lives and these tips can do just that!


AUTHOR - Steve Roach

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